Morning Glory Prayer

Friday at 5AM - Simply dial 641-715-3200 and enter code 475355 followed by the # sign. 



Family Salvation Prayer
July 2010 Healing School
Please join us in presenting these requests to the Lord.
We will reference our Prayer Points, the Family Salvation Tree documents, and our Bibles.
Family Salvation Prayer:
  • Asking that the hearts of each person would draw near to Him. (James 4:8)
  • Asking the Lord for conviction to come upon them, drawing them to the Lord (John 4:8)
  • Taking authority over the blinding demonic forces in operating in their lives (2 Cor. 4:4)
  • Asking  the Lord to send laborers across their paths (1 Cor. 3:6)
  • As we yield to be laborers, we asking the Lord to give us power and boldness to be effective witnesses in word and deed. (Acts 1:8, 4:31)
  • Thank the Lord for the miraculous; signs wonders and miracles to be powerfully demonstrated to these loved ones. (Mark 16:17) 
 July 2010 - Healing School in NY and MD:
  • Thanking the Lord for the seed of the Word ministered to go down deep, producing everlasting life. (James 1:21)
  • Asking the Lord for an atmosphere of faith for healing. (Luke 5:17)
  • Thanking the Lord for Salvation, Healing, and Deliverance as  miraculous; signs wonders and miracles to be powerfully demonstrated. (Mark 16:17)